logo: Critical Thinking Witch Collective, with logo icon of a cauldron with smoke forming above it in a swirling question mark shape.
2024 Con Dates Announced!

Critical Thinking Witch Collective's Con 2024 (or CritWitchCon 2024, if you will) is the place to be for skeptical, secular, agnostic, non-theist, atheist, and scientifically-minded witches and seekers from around the world!

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About us 

Formed in 2021, and originally using the acronym/name SASS Witches (science-minded, agnostic / atheist, secular, and skeptical Witches), we came together to make a space for critical thinking witches; witches who research, who apply scientific reasoning, who learn from history, and who question assumptions and biases.
Our name has changed, but our mission remains the same: to bring together a community of critical thinking witches and seekers who respect reason, logic, and science as we also acknowledge the genuine beauty and meaning in the mysterious.

And we plan to have fun while we do it.

Connect, learn, and get involved with this community of like-minded witches and seekers from around the world. Join the Collective!



We are proudly not-for-profit.  Copyright © 2021-2024, Critical Thinking Witch Collective.  All Rights Reserved.