logo: Critical Thinking Witch Collective, with logo icon of a cauldron with smoke forming above it in a swirling question mark shape.

Upcoming Events

2024 Con

Perception (and Perspective) Check!
Life Through a Seeker's Lens

September 27-29 - Online

Find the start time in your time zone via the agenda below

  • $40 for live access + access to session recordings
  • $30 for access to session recordings only


Move into October and start spooky season (for those who celebrate) off right!
In 2024 we have built our Con around the theme of: CTWC Con 2024: Perception (and Perspective) Check! Life Through a Seeker’s Lens. This encompasses a lot, and we look forward to sharing highlights as we get closer.

Starting Friday Sept 27th, through Sunday September 29th, join us to connect with like-minded witches from around the world, and to learn a bit along the way.


This agenda displays in your timezone.

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We are proudly not-for-profit.  Copyright © 2021-2024, Critical Thinking Witch Collective.  All Rights Reserved.